Balzert,Antonius - Mathias,Manfred
Dr.Baumbach Pokal 06, 2012
[Antonius Balzert]

Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2: 'Diagramm '

1.e4 c5 2.Sf3 Sc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Sxd4 Db6
Diagramm In diesem Turnier musste ich zweimal gegen die Grivas-Variante antreten.Mein Ergebnis mit Weiß lautete: 1,5:05.

s.a. die Partie: Nunn - Grivas, 1991, an der ich mich ein bißchen orientierte!

5...Sf6 6.Sc3 e6 7.Ld3
[7.a3 d6 8.Le3 Dc7 9.f4 a6 10.Ld3 b5 11.Df3 Tb8 12.0-0+/= ]

[7...Le7 8.Le3 (8.0-0 a6 9.Kh1 Dc7 10.f4 d6 11.Df3 0-0 12.Ld2 b5 13.Tae1 Lb7 14.Dh3 Tad8 15.a4 b4 16.Sd1+/= Lobron-Gufeld, Dortmund 1983) 8...Dc7 9.f4 d6 10.0-0 (10.Df3 0-0 11.g4 Sb4 (11...Te8? 12.g5 Sd7 13.h4 Sb4 14.h5 Lf8 15.0-0-0-> ) 12.g5 Sd7 13.h4 b5!<=> ) 10...a6 (10...0-0 11.g4 d5! 12.e5 Sd7 13.Df3 a6 14.Tae1 b5 15.Dh3 g6 16.Tf3 f6 17.Dh6+/= Geller-Gufeld, USSR 1969) 11.Df3 (11.Kh1 b5 12.Df3 Lb7 13.a3 h5 14.a4 b4 15.Se2 d5 16.e5 Sg4 17.Sed4 g5 18.Sxc6 Lxc6 19.Ld4 Lb7 20.h3 gxf4 21.Dxf4 Sh6 22.a5 Kd7 23.Lb6 Dc8 24.c3 Dg8 25.Lc5 d4 26.Le4 Tb8 27.Lxb7 Txb7 28.Dxd4+ Ke8 29.Tad1 Dg5 30.Lxe7 Dxe7 31.Sc5 Tb5 32.cxb4 Sf5 33.Txf5 exf5 34.e6 f6 35.Dd5 Kf8 36.Dd8+ 1-0 Sharapov,E (2468)-Fier,A (2571)/Cappelle la Grande 2011/CBM 141 Extra) 11...0-0 (11...Ld7 12.Sa4 0-0 13.Sb6 Tad8= Kostro-Gufeld, Tbilisi 1969) 12.Tae1 b5 13.g4 (13.Lf2 Lb7 14.a4 b4 15.Sd1 e5= ) 13...Lb7 14.g5 Diagramm 14...Sd7 15.Dh5+/= (15.Dh3 Sb4 16.f5 exf5 17.exf5 Sxd3 18.cxd3 Tae8 19.Sd4 Ld8 20.a3 Se5 21.f6 gxf6 22.gxf6 Kh8 23.Lh6 Dc5 24.Lg7+ Kg8 25.Sce2 Dd5 26.Sf5 Sg4 27.Sh6+ Sxh6 28.Lxh6 Lb6+ 29.d4 Lxd4+ 30.Sxd4 Dxd4+ 31.Le3 Dd3 32.Dg3+ Dg6 33.Lh6 Txe1 34.Txe1 Tc8 35.Te7 Ld5 36.Ta7 Le4 1/2-1/2 Ulibin,M-Akopian,V (2440)/Soviet Union 1986/EXT 2008) 15...Sb4 (15...Tfe8 16.Tf3 g6 17.Dh6 Lf8 18.Dh4 Sb4 19.Th3 h5 20.gxh6 Sxd3 21.cxd3 b4 22.Sd1 Tac8 23.Sd4 Le7 24.Dg3 Kh8 25.f5 exf5 26.Sxf5 Se5 27.Sf2 Lf6 28.Sg7 Tf8 29.Df4 De7 30.d4 Sc4 31.Sg4 Lh4 32.Txh4 Dxh4 33.Lf2 De7 34.b3 Sb6 35.Sf6 Tc2 36.Lh4 Dc7 37.Sf5 Lc8 38.Sxd6 Dc3 39.De5 Df3 40.Sxf7+ 1-0 Anagnostopoulos,D (2450)-Grivas,E (2475)/Greece 1996/EXT 2010) 16.Tf3! Sxd3 (16...g6 17.Dh6 f5 18.exf5 exf5 19.Th3 Tf7 20.Ld4 Sf8 (20...Dc6 21.Dxg6+! Kf8 22.Lf1 /\23.Dh1 Kf2) 21.Lxf5!+/- Chandler-Gufeld, Dortmund 1983) 17.cxd3 Tfe8 18.Tef1 g6 19.Dh6 Lf8 20.Dh4 Lg7 21.Th3 h5 22.gxh6 Lf6 23.h7+ Kh8 24.Ld4 Lxd4+ 25.Sxd4 Db6 26.Sce2 Tac8 27.Dh6 Sf6 28.Dg5 Sd7 29.Kh1 Dd8 30.Dh6 Df6 31.Kg1 Dg7 32.Dh4 e5 33.Sf3 d5 34.d4 Tc2 35.fxe5 Txe2 36.Sg5 f6 (36...Tf8 37.Thf3-> dxe4 38.Sxf7+ Txf7 39.Txf7 e3 40.Dd8+ Sf8 41.Txf8+ Kxh7 42.Dh4++- ) 37.exf6 Sxf6 38.e5 Sh5 39.Tf7 Dh6 40.Txb7 Tf8 41.Sf7+ 1-0 Nunn,J (2600)-Grivas,E (2425)/Athens 1991/CBM 024/[Blatny,P]]

8.0-0 Le7

9.Le3 Dc7 10.f4 d6 11.Df3 0-0 12.Tae1
[12.g4 b5 13.g5 Sd7 14.Dh5 Sb4 15.Tf3 g6 16.Dh6 f5 17.gxf6 Txf6 18.Tg3 Sf8 19.Sd4 Sxd3 20.cxd3 Ld7 21.a3 Tf7 22.Tc1 Dd8 23.Sce2 Lf6 24.Tg2 Lg7 25.Dg5 e5 26.Sc6 De8 27.Sb4 Se6 28.Dg3 exf4 29.Sxf4 Le5 30.Sbd5 Tc8 31.Tf1 Lc6 32.De1 Sxf4 33.Sxf4 De7 34.Sh5 Txf1+ 35.Dxf1 Tf8 36.De2 Ld7 37.d4 Lh8 38.Sg3 Lg7 39.Tf2 Tc8 40.Dd3 De6 41.Se2 Te8 42.Sg3 Lc6 0-1 Bellia,F (2265)-Grivas,E (2445)/Vinkovci 1989/CBM 016]

Diagramm Und hier musste ich meine Wahl treffen, entweder 13.e5 ( so geschehen in meiner Partie gegen Fernschachfreund Georg Engelhardt, die mit einem Remis endete.) oder 13.g4, wie in der oben zitierten Partie, Nunn-Grivas.Gegen FS-Freund Mathias entschied ich mich für 13.g4!

Diagramm In seinem Buch: "A Complete Guide to the Grivas Sicilian", von Efstratios Grivas, wird diese 10.Df3-Variante: "The Zeus Variation" genannt! Zeus war der "Göttervater" und der mächtigste Gott der griechischen Mythologie, also, so schloß ich messerscharf, kann diese Variante für Weiß nicht schlecht sein...! Grivas schreibt auf Seite 113: "A straightforward and aggressive continuation, recommended in a lot of sources, such as the "Beating the Sicilian 3", von Nunn and Gallagher. Dort finden wir auf Seite 215 (Unusual Lines ) folgenden Eintrag: "White can also start the pawnstorm, with 12.g4:

[13...Lb7 14.g5 ]

14.g5 Sb4
[14...Te8 15.Dh5 g6 16.Dh4 Sb4 17.Tf3 Sxd3 18.cxd3 b4 (18...Lb7 19.Ld4 h5 20.Se2 e5 21.fxe5 Sxe5 22.Lxe5 dxe5 23.Tef1 Tf8 24.Kh1 Lc8 25.Sc3 Le6 26.Sd5 Lxd5 27.exd5 Dd8 28.De4 Dd6 29.h4 Tad8 30.Sa5 Td7 31.Sc6 Ld8 32.Sxe5 Lc7 33.d4 Dxd5 34.Sxd7 Dxd7 35.Te1 Ld6 36.Kg2 Tc8 37.Te2 Lb8 38.Tc3 Tf8 39.Tc6 a5 40.d5 b4 41.b3 Ld6 42.Tec2 Kh7 43.Df3 Kg8 44.Te2 Ta8 45.Dh3 Dd8 46.Tec2 De7 47.Tc8+ Txc8 48.Txc8+ Kh7 49.Df3 Dd7 50.Tc6 Kg8 51.Ta6 Dc7 52.Tc6 Dd7 53.De4 Kh7 54.Tc2 Lc7 55.Tf2 Kg8 56.Tf3 Ld6 57.Kf1 a4 58.Ke2 axb3 59.axb3 Da7 60.Kd3 Da6+ 61.Kd2 Da2+ 62.Dc2 Da1 63.Kd3 Dh1 64.Dc8+ Kg7 65.Txf7+ Kxf7 66.De6+ Kg7 67.Dxd6 Dh3+ 68.Kd2 Dc3+ 69.Ke2 Dc2+ 70.Ke1 Dc1+ 71.Ke2 Dc2+ 72.Ke1 Dc1+ 73.Ke2 Dc2+ 1/2-1/2 Hunt,H (2385)-Saevareid,O (2188)/Gausdal 2004/CBM 102 ext) 19.Se2 Sf8 20.Tc1 Dd7 21.Sa5 d5 22.Sc6 dxe4 23.dxe4 Lb7 24.Sxe7+ Txe7 25.Lc5 Tee8 26.Lxb4 Db5 27.De1 e5 28.Lxf8 Txf8 29.Tb3 Dd7 30.Td1 Dc6 31.Sc3 Tab8 32.Df2 De6 33.f5 De7 34.f6 De6 35.Td3 La8 36.Txb8 Txb8 37.h3 h6 38.gxh6 Kh7 39.b3 Tc8 40.Kh2 Tc6 41.Sd5 Tc1 42.Dd2 Ta1 43.Tf3 Lxd5 44.Dxd5 Txa2+ 45.Kg3 Dxd5 46.exd5 Td2 47.Tc3 Txd5 48.Tc7 Kxh6 49.Txf7 Td3+ 50.Kg4 Td4+ 51.Kg3 Kg5 52.Tf8 Td3+ 53.Kg2 Txb3 54.f7 Kf6 55.Te8 Kxf7 56.Txe5 Tb5 57.Te1 a5 58.Tc1 a4 59.Tc7+ Ke6 60.Ta7 Tb2+ 61.Kg3 Tb3+ 62.Kg4 a3 63.Ta6+ Kd5 64.Txg6 Tb4+ 65.Kh5 Kc4 66.Tg1 a2 67.Ta1 Tb3 68.h4 Tb2 69.Tc1+ 1/2-1/2 Sasu Ducsoara,A (2182)-Korobov,A (2558)/Sautron 2003/EXT 2004]

15.Dh5 Sc5
Diagramm 15....Sc5, ist an dieser Stelle neu und sollte vielleicht durch 15....g6 ersetzt werden...!? [15...g6 16.Dh4 Sxd3 17.cxd3 b4 18.Sd1 f5 19.Sf2 a5 20.exf5 exf5 21.Ld4 Tf7 22.Te3 Lb7 23.Tc1 Dd8 24.Dg3 Tc8 25.Tce1 Ld5 26.h4 a4 27.Sd2 Sf8 28.h5 gxh5 29.Sf3 Sg6 30.Sh4 Lf8 31.Lf6 Txf6 32.gxf6 Dxf6 33.Sf3 Lxa2 34.Sg5 Ld5 35.Se6 a3 36.Dh3 h4 37.Kh2 Tc2 38.Kg1 axb2 39.Sxf8 Sxf8 40.Te8 Dg6+ 0-1 Tsekouras,T (2257)-Grivas,E (2520)/Heraklio 2004/EXT 2007]

16.Tf3 Scxd3
Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2: 'Diagramm ' [16...Dd7 ; 16...Sbxd3 ; 16...Dd8 ; 16...Sxb3 ]

Mein Zwischenzug 17.Th3! schwächt die schwarze Königsstellung und ist deswegen schon gut! Außerdem sah ich in dieser Stellung schon meinen 19.Zug voraus. Hier mußte ich mich auch "gegen" meine Engine "Rybka" entscheiden und ich verweise auf den hervorragenden Artikel mit dem Fernschach-Großmeister Arno Nickel: [17.cxd3 ; 17.f5 ]

17...h6 18.cxd3
Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2: 'Diagramm '

und jetzt muß Weiß beweisen, wie sein Angriff weitergeht und was er eigentlich im Schilde führt...! [18...Sxd3 19.Td1 (19.f5 exf5 20.Sd5 Dd7 21.exf5 Rybka 3 32-bit : 1) 21...Se5 (Rybka 3 32-bit : 2) 21...Te8 22.Tf1 1.15/8 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 3) 21...Kh8 22.gxh6 g5 23.fxg6 2.05/9 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 4) 21...Ta7 22.gxh6 Dxf5 23.Dxf5 Lxf5 24.Lxa7 Lxh3 25.Sxe7+ Kh7 26.Te3 Sf4 27.hxg7 Kxg7 28.Sd4 Ta8 29.Lb6 Le6 2.91/9 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 5) 21...Ld8 22.gxh6 3.77/9 ) 22.Tf1 Lb7 23.Sxe7+ Dxe7 24.f6 De6 25.fxg7 Kxg7 26.Sd4 Dg4+ 27.Dxg4 Sxg4 28.Sf5+ Kg6 29.gxh6 Lc8 30.Sxd6 0.97/10 ; 19.Tf1 ; 19.Te2 ) Rybka 3 32-bit : 1) 19...Sxb2 (Rybka 3 32-bit : 2) 19...b4 20.Txd3 bxc3 21.Txc3 Db7 22.e5 Dd5 23.gxh6 g6 24.Df3 dxe5 25.fxe5 Lb7 26.Dxd5 Lxd5 27.Tc7 Ld8 28.Td7 Tc8 29.Lc5 0.79/12 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 3) 19...Dc4 20.Txd3 e5 21.Lf2 Lxh3 22.Txh3 exf4 23.gxh6 g6 24.Dd5 Kh7 25.Dxc4 bxc4 26.Sd2 Tac8 27.Sd5 0.94/12 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 4) 19...Sxf4 20.Lxf4 e5 21.Sd5 Dd7 22.Tc3 Ld8 23.Le3 g6 24.De2 hxg5 25.Sb6 Lxb6 26.Lxb6 b4 27.Tcd3 1.07/12 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 5) 19...e5 20.Sd5 Sxf4 21.Lxf4 Dd7 22.Tc3 Ld8 23.Le3 g6 24.De2 hxg5 25.Sb6 Lxb6 26.Lxb6 b4 27.Tcd3 1.07/12 ) 20.Ld4 e5 21.Sd5 Dd7 22.Lxb2 Lxg5 23.f5 Da7+ 24.Kg2 Le6 25.De2 Lxd5 26.Txd5 Db6 27.Df2 Dxf2+ 28.Kxf2 Tac8 0.53/12 ; 18...Dd8 19.Tg3 Kh8+/- 0.98/15 ; 18...Dd7 ]

Auf meinen 19.Zug f4-f5 bin ich sehr stolz und ich zitiere nochmals Arno Nickel: "Korrekt wäre als erstes eine Interpretation etwa dergestalt: Das Programm sieht in der gegebenen Rechentiefe (und unter Berücksichtigung diverser Parameter) in den nächsten Zügen keine signifikante Veränderung des Stellungsgleichgewichts. Und nun ist eigentlich erstmal der Mensch gefragt, diesen Befund unter Berücksichtigung seiner eigenen Zugkandidaten zu analysieren. Stimmt der Befund auch dann noch bzw. bleibt es dabei, wenn man tiefer in die Varianten hineingeht? Oft entsteht hier das Problem einer weitläufigen Verzweigung, und da beginnt die eigentliche Fernschacharbeit..." Als ich später meine Stellung mit Houdini analysierte, kam prompt der Zug: 19.f5!! Vor einigen Tagen habe ich mir auch das Buch von Yelena Dembo "The very unusual Book about chess" zugelegt und in Kapitel 5 auf Seite 103 behandelt Sie den Zug "f4-f5 in der Sizilianischen Verteidigung" und richtet das Augenmerk auf Partien von G. Kasparov, Shirov und Anand!Yelena Dembo/^s Blog Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2: 'Diagramm ' [19.Tc1 ]

[19...exf5 20.Sd5 Diagramm 20...Dd8 Diagramm (20...Dd7 21.exf5 (21.Tg3 f4 22.Lxf4 Da7+ 23.Kf1 hxg5+- 2.49/15 ) 21...Ta7 (21...Kh8 22.Tg3 Sxe3 23.gxh6 g6+- 6.42/15 ; 21...Te8 22.Tf1 Lxg5 23.Lxg5 Da7++- 5.56/15 ) 22.gxh6 Dxf5 23.Dxf5 Lxf5+- 3.73/15 ) 21.exf5 Lxf5 (21...Sxe1 22.Sd4 (22.f6 Te8 (22...Lxf6 23.gxf6 Lxh3 24.Lxh6 Dd7+- 3.52/15 ) 23.gxh6 g6+- 2.28/15 ) 22...De8 (22...Ld7 23.gxh6 g5+- 8.32/15 (23...g6 24.fxg6 Lf6+- 12.16/15 ) ) 23.Sf6+ Lxf6+- 4.14/15 ) 22.Lb6 Diagramm 22...Sxe1 23.Lxd8 Lxd8 24.gxh6 g6+- Diagramm 1.79/15 25.h7+ (25.Tg3 Kh7 (25...Lxd3 26.Dd1 (26.Dg4 Te8 27.Dd4 Te5 28.Sf4 Lf6 29.Dxd6+- 2.32/15 ; 26.h7+ Kg7 (26...Kh8 27.Dh6 Te8 28.Te3 Txe3 29.Dxe3+- 2.67/15 ) 27.Dd1 Te8 28.Se3 Kxh7 29.Dxe1+- 1.99/15 ) 26...Te8 27.Txd3 Sxd3 28.Dxd3 Kh7 29.Sd2+- 2.65/15 ; 25...Kh8 26.Dd1 (26.De2 Le6 (26...Sxd3 27.Txd3 Lxd3 28.Dxd3 Kh7 29.Dd2+- 3.02/15 ) 27.Sf4 Lb6+ 28.Kf1 Tae8 29.Dxe1+- 2.83/15 ) 26...Le6 (26...Te8 27.Sd4 Sxd3 28.Txd3 Lxd3 29.Dxd3+- 3.58/15 ) 27.Sf4 Lb6+ 28.Kf1 Tae8 29.Dxe1+- 2.83/15 ) 26.De2 (26.Dd1 Le6 (26...Te8 27.Sd4 Sxd3 28.Txd3 Lxd3 29.Dxd3+- 2.03/15 ) 27.Se3 f5 28.Dxe1 f4 29.Sd4+- 2.00/15 ) 26...Le6 (26...Sxd3 27.Txd3 Lxd3 28.Dxd3 Tc8 29.Dd2+- 2.23/15 ) 27.Se3 f5 28.Dxe1 f4 29.Sd4+- 2.00/15 ) 25...Kh8 26.Dh6 Lg5 27.Dxg5 Lxh3 28.Df6+ Kxh7 29.Dh4++- 2.63/15 ; 19...Sxe1 Diagramm 20.gxh6 2.10/10 0 (Rybka 3 32-bit : 20.f6 Dd8 21.fxe7 Dxe7 22.gxh6 0.60/8 ) Rybka 3 32-bit : 1) 20...g6 (Rybka 3 32-bit : 2) 20...g5 21.fxg6 4.74/4 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 3) 20...Sf3+ 21.Txf3 8.34/7 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 4) 20...f6 21.hxg7 11.06/7 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 5) 20...gxh6 21.Lxh6 11.19/7 ) 21.fxg6 4.74/4 Rybka 3 32-bit : 1) 21...Lf6 (Rybka 3 32-bit : 2) 21...Kh8 22.Ld4+ 10.39/10 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 3) 21...Sf3+ 22.Txf3 11.39/9 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 4) 21...Dxc3 22.bxc3 #16/9 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 5) 21...Dd8 22.h7+ #9/8 ) 22.g7 8.36/9 ]

20.Lxg5! f6
Diagramm [20...Sxe1 21.f6 -1.21/5 0 (21.Lf6 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 1) 21.f6 Dd8 22.Lh4 Sxd3 1.16/7 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 2) 21.Lf6 Db6+ 22.Ld4 Dd8 23.Lxg7 Sf3+ 1.00/7 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 3) 21.Lxh6 f6 22.Lxg7 Dxg7+ 23.Tg3 Ta7 24.De2 b4 0.37/7 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 4) 21.Lh4 b4 22.Lf6 bxc3 23.Tg3 -0.39/7 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 5) 21.Ld2 b4 22.Tg3 Sf3+ -0.39/7 ) 21...Db6+ (21...Dd8 ) Rybka 3 32-bit : 1) 22.Le3 (Rybka 3 32-bit : 2) 22.d4 Dd8 23.Lh4 Te8 24.fxg7 f6 25.Dxh6 3.18/8 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 3) 22.Kf1 e5 23.fxg7 Lxh3+ 24.Dxh3 Sxd3 25.Le3 Dd8 26.gxf8D+ 1.63/8 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 4) 22.Te3 Sf3+ 23.Dxf3 hxg5 24.d4 Td8 25.fxg7 Kxg7 26.Dh5 f6 -1.38/8 ; Rybka 3 32-bit : 5) 22.Kh1 Df2 23.Tg3 g6 24.Lh4 -4.28/8 ) 22...Dd8 23.fxg7 Df6 24.gxf8D+ Kxf8 25.Lxh6+ Ke8 26.Lg5 Dg7 27.Kf2 Sc2 28.Dh8+ Dxh8 29.Txh8+ Kd7 30.Tf8 Kc6 31.Sa5+ Kc7 32.Ld8+ Kd7 4.95/9 Rybka 3 32-bit : 33.Lf6 5.87/11 ]

Diagramm Noch so eine "Keule" und schon wieder "hängen" alle Figuren! Ich bin in meinem Element! [21.Lh4 Sxe1 22.Lxe1 d5 (22...b4 23.Sd1 (23.Se2 exf5 24.exf5 Dc2 25.Te3+/= 0.55/15 ) 23...exf5+/= 0.62/15 (23...a5 24.Tg3 exf5 25.exf5+/= 0.67/15 ) 24.exf5 a5 25.Ld2+/= 0.66/15 ) 23.Ld2 Df7 24.Dg4 dxe4 25.dxe4+/= 0.60/15 ; 21.Ld2 Sxe1 22.Lxe1 (22.Tg3 b4 (22...Sxd3 23.Lxh6 exf5 24.Sd5 Df7 25.Dh4= 0.00/15 ) 23.Se2 Sxd3 24.Txd3 exf5 25.exf5= -0.14/15 ; 22.Lxh6 Df7 (22...b4 23.Lc1 Sf3+ 24.Kh1 bxc3 25.Dh7+= 0.00/15 ) 23.Dg4 b4 24.Se2 exf5 25.exf5= 0.00/15 ) 22...d5 (22...b4 23.Se2 exf5 24.exf5 Dc2 25.Sbd4+/- 1.16/15 ) 23.Ld2 Df7 24.Dg4 dxe4 25.dxe4+/= 0.66/15 ]


Diagramm Und dieser Turmzug "krönt" mein Werk! [22.Sd4 exf5 (22...Df7 23.Dh4 b4 24.Le3 De7 25.Dh8++- 5.93/15 ) 23.Tg3 Ta7 24.Sd5 Df7 25.Dd1+- 1.52/15 ; 22.Lxg7 Dxg7+ 23.Tg3 Ta7 24.fxe6 Lxe6 25.Sd4+/- 1.00/15 ]

Diagramm [22...Sxd3 23.Lxg7 (23.Sd4 Ta7+- Diagramm 1.82/15 24.Lxg7 Dxg7 25.fxe6 (25.Sxe6 Lxe6 26.fxe6 Sf4 27.Df5 b4 28.Dxf4 bxc3+/= 0.65/15 ) 25...Sf4 26.Df5 Sg6 27.Kf1 Dh7 28.Sd5 Tg7+- Diagramm 2.07/15 ; 23.Txg7+ Dxg7+ 24.Lxg7 Kxg7 25.Dh3 Se5 26.fxe6 Th8+- 1.51/15 ; 23.Txd3 Ta7 (23...b4 24.Sa4 (24.Se2 Tf7 25.fxe6 Lxe6 26.Sed4 Dd7+/- 0.75/15 ) 24...Df7 25.Dh4 Da7+ 26.Le3 Df7+/- 1.04/15 ) 24.Th3 (24.Lf4 Df7 25.Dxf7+ Kxf7 26.fxe6+ Lxe6+/- 0.73/15 ) 24...b4 25.Se2 exf5 26.Le3 f4+/- 0.83/15 ) 23...Dxg7 24.Sd4!! Mir "läuft" nichts weg und über das Zentrum würden "frische Kräfte" herangeführt! (24.Txg7+ Kxg7 25.Dh3 (25.Dg6++/- 1.02/15 Kh8 26.Dh6+ Kg8 27.Dh3+/- 1.00/15 ) 25...Se5 26.fxe6 Th8+- 1.51/15 ) 24...Ta7 25.fxe6 Sf4 26.Df5 Sg6+- Diagramm '+/-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2: 'Diagramm ' 2.13/15 27.Kf1! Dh7 (27...Kh8 28.Sd5 (28.Th3+ ) 28...Taf7 (28...Dh7 29.Dxg6 Dxg6 30.Txg6 Th7 31.Sxf6+- 3.79/15 ) 29.Txg6 Dh7 30.Tg3 Lxe6 31.Dxe6+- 3.66/15 ) 28.Sd5 Tg7 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2: 'Diagramm ' 29.Th3 Se7 30.Sxe7+ Txe7 31.Txh7+- Diagramm 2.35/15 31...Txh7 32.h4 Lb7 3.51/10 0 33.Ke2 (33.Df3 Lc8 (33...Te8 34.Ke2 (34.Dg4+ Tg7 35.Df4 Lc8 36.Dxd6 Th7 37.Kf2+- 3.01/15 ; 34.Dg3+ Tg7 35.Df4 Lc8 36.Dxd6 Th7 37.Kf2+- 3.01/15 ) 34...f5 (34...Lc8 35.h5 Tf8 36.Ke3 Tg7 37.Sf5+- 4.18/15 ) 35.Dxf5 Tg7 36.Df3 Lc8 37.Sf5+- 3.69/15 ; 33...Kh8 34.Sf5 (34.Kf2 ; 34.Ke2 ) 34...Te8 35.e7 Texe7 36.Sxe7 Txe7 37.Dxf6++- 4.74/15 ) 34.Kf2 (34.Dg3+ Tg7 35.Dxd6 Te8 36.Sf5 Lxe6 37.Sxg7+- 3.09/15 ; 34.Ke2 b4 (34...a5 35.Ke3 b4 36.Dg3+ Tg7 37.Dxd6+- 3.26/15 ) 35.Ke3 a5 36.Dg3+ Tg7 37.Dxd6+- 3.26/15 ) 34...Tg7 (34...b4 35.h5 Kh8 36.Df4 Kg8 37.Ke3+- 4.03/15 ) 35.h5 a5 36.Ke3 a4 37.Sf5+- 3.40/15 ; 33.h5 ; 33.Kf2 ; 33.Df4 ) 33...Lc8 (33...Tg7 34.Df4 (34.Df3 Lc8 (34...Te8 35.h5 a5 36.Ke3 f5 37.Dxf5+- 6.87/15 ) 35.h5 Kh8 36.Df4 Th7 37.Ke3+- 4.20/15 ; 34.Ke3 Lc8 (34...Tg3+ 35.Kf2 Tg7 36.Df4 Lc8 37.h5+- 3.74/15 ) 35.h5 Tg3+ 36.Kf2 Tg7 37.Df4+- 3.74/15 ) 34...Lc8 (34...Th7 35.Sf5 Te8 36.Dg4+ Kh8 37.Sxd6+- 6.66/15 ) 35.Dxd6 Te8 36.h5 Kh8 37.Sf5+- 4.84/15 ; 33...b4 34.Df3 (34.h5 Lc8 (34...Tc7 35.Df4 Th7 36.h6 Lc8 37.Dxd6+- 5.73/15 ) 35.Df3 a5 36.Ke3 Tg7 37.Sf5+- 4.31/15 ; 34.Ke3 Lc8 (34...b3 35.axb3 Lc8 36.h5 Te7 37.h6+- 3.73/15 ) 35.h5 b3 36.axb3 Te7 37.h6+- 3.73/15 ) 34...Lc8 (34...a5 35.Sf5 Kh8 36.Df4 Te8 37.e7+- 5.69/15 ) 35.h5 a5 36.Ke3 Tg7 37.Sf5+- 4.31/15 ; 33...Tc7 34.Df4 (34.h5 ; 34.Ke3 ) 34...Te8 35.h5 Tce7 36.Sf5 Th7 ) 34.Df3 (34.h5 b4 (34...Tb7 35.Dd5 Te8 36.Sf5 Lxe6 37.Dxb7+- 5.63/15 ) 35.Ke3 Te7 36.h6 Kh8 37.Dg6+- 3.79/15 ; 34.Ke3 b4 (34...Tg7 35.h5 Tg3+ 36.Kf2 Tg5 37.Df4+- 4.28/15 ) 35.h5 Te7 36.h6 Kh8 37.Dg6+- 3.79/15 ) 34...b4 (34...a5 35.Ke3 b4 36.Dg3+ Tg7 37.Dxd6+- 4.20/15 ) 35.Ke3 a5 36.Dg3+ Tg7 37.Dxd6+- 4.20/15 ; 22...Tf7 23.Kf1 1.26/9 0 De7 24.Kxe1 (24.Sd4 Ta7 ; 24.fxe6 ) 24...Tb8 (24...Ta7 25.Le3 (25.Sd4 Tb7 26.Lf4 Tf8 27.fxe6 Lxe6+- 5.50/15 ) 25...b4 26.Se2 e5 27.Th3 Tf8+- 7.72/15 ) 25.Sd4 (25.fxe6 Lxe6 26.Sd4 Tb7 27.Sd5 Lxd5+- 3.30/15 ) 25...Tb7 26.Lf4 Tf8 27.fxe6 Lxe6+- 5.50/15 ]

Diagramm [23.Dd1 b4 (23...Kh8 24.Lxg7+ (24.Le3 Sc2 25.Dxc2 b4 26.Lxa7 Dxa7++/- 0.82/15 ) 24...Dxg7 25.Txg7 Txg7+ 26.Kh1 b4+/- 1.00/15 ; 23...Kh7 24.Le3 (24.Txg7+ Dxg7+ 25.Lxg7 Txg7+ 26.Kh1 b4+/- 1.16/15 ) 24...Sc2 25.Dxc2 b4 26.e5 bxc3+/- 1.32/15 ) 24.Sa4 (24.Kf1 bxc3 25.Lxg7 Dxg7 26.bxc3 Dxg3= 0.00/15 ) 24...exf5 25.Dxe1 Dc2 26.exf5 Tb7+/= 0.55/15 ; 23.Sd4 Sxd3 (23...b4 24.Lxg7 (24.Sce2 e5 25.Lxg7 Dxg7 26.Sc6 Taf7+/- 1.15/15 ) 24...Dxg7 25.Sce2 e5 26.Sc6 Taf7+/- 1.15/15 ; 23...exf5 24.Sd5 (24.Lxg7 Dxg7 25.Sd5 fxe4 26.dxe4 Lg4+- 1.69/15 ) 24...Df7 25.Dd1 Kh8 26.Lxg7+ Dxg7+- 1.94/15 ) 24.Lxg7 (24.Txd3 Dc4 25.Tg3 exf5 26.Le3 Df7+/- 0.77/15 ) 24...Dxg7 25.fxe6 Sf4 26.Df5 Sg6+/- 1.01/15 ]

[23...Sxd3 Diagramm 24.Dd5! Diagramm (24.Df5 Sb4 25.Sd5 Sxd5 26.Dxd5 Kh8+- 2.14/15 ) 24...Kh8 25.Lxg7+! Dxg7 26.Dxd3!! f5+- Diagramm 2.53/15 27.Txg7 Diagramm 27...Txg7+ 28.Kh1 4.91/9 0 fxe4 (Lxe6) 29.Sxe4 4.10/4 0 Lb7 (Lxe6) 30.Sbd2 Diagramm 4.20/10 0 30...Tf6 (30...Kg8 31.h3 (31.Dd4 Tf5 (31...Tg6 32.e7 (32.h3 Txe6 33.Kh2 Tf4 34.Dg1+ Kf8+- 2.91/15 ) 32...Te8 33.h4 Txe7 34.Kh2 Te5+- 4.00/15 ; 31...La8 32.h3 (32.e7 ) 32...Te8 33.Dxd6 Tg6 34.Kh2 Lxe4+- 4.34/15 ) 32.h3 (32.b4 Te5 33.h3 Txe6 34.Kh2 Teg6+- 2.59/15 ) 32...Te5 33.Dxd6 Teg5 34.Dh2 T5g6+- 3.23/15 ; 31.De3 Te8 (31...Tf6 32.Sf3 (32.h4 Txe6 33.Kh2 d5 34.Db3 Tg4+- 2.75/15 ) 32...Txe6 33.Db3 Tge7 34.Sfg5 Lxe4++- 3.27/15 ; 31...Tg6 32.h4 (32.Sf3 Txe6 33.Db3 d5 34.Sc5 Tef6+- 3.98/15 ) 32...Txe6 33.Kh2 Tf5 34.Dg3+ Kf8+- 4.50/15 ) 32.Sf3 (32.Db3 Tg6 33.h4 Tgxe6 34.Kh2 Kf8+- 2.93/15 ) 32...Txe6 33.Db3 Tge7 34.Sfg5 Lxe4++- 3.27/15 ; 31.e7 Te8 (31...Txe7 32.Kg1 d5 33.Sc5 Tg7+ 34.Kh1 Lc6+- 3.24/15 ) 32.Db3+ (32.Sf3 Texe7 33.Sf6+ Kf8 34.h4 Tg3+- 2.83/15 ) 32...Kh8 33.Dh3+ Kg8 34.De6+ Kh8+- 3.04/15 35.Df6 (35.Dxd6 5.00/4 0 Tgxe7 4.67/7 0 (35...Kh7 36.Dd7 (36.De5 Tgxe7 (36...Kg8 37.De6+ Kh8 38.Dh3+ Kg8 39.Df5+- 2.74/15 ) 37.Dh5+ Kg7 38.Dg4+ Kf8 39.Df4++- 2.49/15 ; 36.Df4 Tgxe7 37.Dh4+ Kg8 38.Dg4+ Tg7 39.Df3+- 2.49/15 ) 36...Tgxe7 (36...Texe7 37.Df5+ Kg8 38.h4 Tgf7 39.Dg6++- 3.29/15 ) 37.Df5+ Kg7 38.Dg4+ Kf8 39.Df4++- 2.49/15 ; 35...Texe7 36.h4 (36.h3 ) 36...Kh7 (36...Txe4 37.Df8+ Kh7 38.Df5+ Kg8 39.Sxe4+- 4.17/15 ) 37.Df4 Tgf7 38.Dg4 Txe4 39.Sxe4+- 4.17/15 ) 36.Dh6+ 4.67/6 0 (36.Df6+ Kg8 37.Dg6+ Kh8 38.Dh5+ Kg8 39.Dg4++- 2.49/15 ) 36...Kg8 4.65/11 0 (36...Th7 37.Dg6 The7 38.Df6+ Kg8 39.Dg6++- 2.74/15 ) 37.Dg6+ '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 4.65/7 0 37...Kf8 4.65/8 0 38.Dd6 4.52/9 0 (38.Df5+ Tf7 39.Dc5++- 2.49/15 ) 38...Kg8 4.52/8 0 (38...Kg7 39.Dg3++- 2.49/15 ) 39.Dg3++- 2.49/15 (39.Kg2 2.07/9 0 Lxe4+ 2.03/11 0 40.Sxe4 1.97/4 0 Txe4 1.97/4 0 ) ; 35.Dh6+ Kg8 36.Dxd6 (36.Sf3 Texe7 37.Seg5 Tef7 38.h4 Lxf3+ 39.Kh2+- 2.32/15 ) 36...Kh7 (36...Tgxe7 37.Dg6+ Kh8 38.Dh5+ Kg8 39.Dg4++- 2.49/15 ) 37.De6 Tgxe7 38.Dh3+ Kg8 39.Dg4++- 2.49/15 ; 35.Sf3 Texe7 36.Dh6+ Kg8 37.Seg5 Tef7 38.h4 Lxf3+ 39.Kh2+- 2.32/15 ) 35...Kg8 (35...Texe7 36.h4 Kg8 (36...Txe4 37.Df8+ Kh7 38.Df5+ Kg8 39.Sxe4+- 3.50/15 ) 37.Dxd6 Txe4 38.Sxe4 Lxe4+ 39.Kh2 Tg6+- 3.13/15 ) 36.Sf3 (36.Dxd6 Kh7 (36...Tgxe7 37.Dg6+ Kh8 38.Dh5+ Kg8 39.Dg4++- 2.49/15 ) 37.De6 Tgxe7 38.Dh3+ Kg8 39.Dg4++- 2.49/15 ) 36...Texe7 (36...Tgxe7 37.Dg6+ Kf8 38.Dh6+ Kg8 39.Sf6++- 3.21/15 ) 37.Seg5 Tgf7 38.Sxf7 Txf7 39.Dg6++- 2.77/15 ) 31...Tf6 (31...Tf5 32.Sf3 (32.Dxd6 Tfg5 33.Dh2 T5g6 34.De2 Txe6+- 3.23/15 ) 32...Tf4 33.Sed2 Tf6 34.De3 Tfg6+- 3.97/15 ) 32.Sf3 (32.e7 Te6 33.Kh2 Tgxe7 34.Sg3 Tg7+- 3.24/15 ) 32...Txe6 33.Db3 Tgg6 34.Sfg5 Lxe4++- 3.30/15 35.Sxe4 Kf8 4.93/11 0 ) 31.e7 (31.h3 Txe6 (31...Tfg6 32.Df3 (32.Df1 Txe6 33.Kh2 Kg8 34.Df3 Tge7+- 2.80/15 ) 32...Txe6 33.Kh2 Kg8 34.h4 Tge7+- 3.34/15 ; 31...Th6 32.Kh2 (32.Df3 ) 32...Txe6 33.h4 Lc6 34.Sg5 Th6+- 4.76/15 ) 32.Kh2 (32.Dd4 Kg8 33.Kh2 Teg6 34.Df2 Te7+- 2.62/15 ) 32...Teg6 33.Df3 Kg8 34.h4 Tf7+- 2.92/15 ; 31.a3 Kg8 (31...Tfg6 32.Dd4 Txe6 33.h3 Teg6 34.Df2 Te6+- 2.62/15 ) 32.h3 (32.Sf3 Tf4 33.Sed2 Tfg4 34.De3 Kf8+- 1.95/15 ) 32...Txe6 33.Kh2 Teg6 34.Df3 Tf7+- 2.32/15 ; 31.b4 Kg8 (31...Tfg6 32.Dd4 Txe6 33.h3 Teg6 34.Df2 Kg8+- 2.54/15 ) 32.h3 (32.Sf3 Tf4 33.e7 Txe7 34.Seg5 Tf6+- 2.33/15 ) 32...Txe6 33.Kh2 Teg6 34.De2 Lc6+- 2.46/15 ) 31...Txe7 32.Kg1 (32.Dc3 Tef7 33.Kg1 Tg7+ 34.Sg3 Tfg6+- 3.19/15 ) 32...Tg7+ 33.Sg3 Tgg6 34.Sde4 Te6+- 3.19/15 35.Kf2 (35.Dd4+ Kg8 (35...Kh7 36.Kf1 (36.Kf2 Kg8 (36...Te5 37.h4 Lxe4 38.Sxe4 Tf5+ 39.Ke3+- 4.98/15 ) 37.h4 Te8 38.Sxd6 Tf8+ 39.Sgf5+- 4.12/15 ; 36.Da7 Tg7 37.Sg5+ Txg5 38.Dxb7+ Kg6 39.Dxa6+- 4.01/15 ) 36...Kg8 (36...Lc6 37.h4 Kg8 38.h5 Tg7 39.Sf5+- 5.41/15 ) 37.Kf2 Lc6 38.h4 Te8 39.Sxd6+- 4.52/15 ) 36.Kf2 Te5 (36...Lxe4 37.Sxe4 Te5 38.h4 Tf5+ 39.Ke3+- 4.08/15 ) 37.h4 Lxe4 38.Sxe4 Tf5+ 39.Ke3+- 4.08/15 ; 35.Sc3 Tgf6 (35...Kh7 ; 35...Tg7 ; 35...Kg8 ) 36.Sge4 (36.Sce2 ; 36.Dd2 ) ; 35.Kf1 ) 35...Kg8 (35...Lxe4 36.Sxe4 Te8 (36...Kg8 37.Dd5 Kg7 38.Dd4+ Kf8 39.h4+- 4.82/15 ) 37.Dd4+ Kg8 38.Sxd6 Tee6 39.Se4+- 4.33/15 ) 36.h3 (36.Dd4 Te5 (36...Lxe4 37.Sxe4 Te5 38.h4 Tf5+ 39.Ke3+- 4.08/15 ) 37.h4 Lxe4 38.Sxe4 Tf5+ 39.Ke3+- 4.08/15 ) 36...Kf7 (36...Kf8 37.h4 Kg8 38.Dd4 Te8 39.Sxd6+- 4.14/15 ) 37.h4 Kg8 38.Dd4 Te8 39.Sxd6+- Diagramm 4.14/15 ; 23...De7 24.Lxg7 (24.Sd4 De8 25.Dd5 Sf3+ 26.Txf3 gxh6+- 2.99/15 ) 24...Dxg7 25.Sd4 Dxg3+ 26.hxg3 Th7+- 7.50/15 ]

Diagramm Neue Kräfte werden über das Zentrum herangeführt! [24.De2 b4 25.Sd4 Db6 26.Le3 bxc3+/= 0.43/15 ; 24.Dd1 Sxd3 25.Dxd3 Dc4 26.Dxd6 Td7+/= 0.68/15 ]

Diagramm [24...Dc8 25.Sd5+- 1.68/15 (25.Dg6 ) 25...Lxd5 26.Dxd5+ (26.Lxg7 ) 26...Kh8+- 1.74/15 27.Le3 (27.Ld2 Sxd3 (27...Sc2 28.Se6 (28.Sxc2 Dc5+ (28...Te7 29.Sd4 Te5 30.Dxd6 Td8 31.Db6+- 2.81/15 ) 29.Se3 Dxd5 30.Sxd5 Kg8 31.Tg2+- 2.11/15 ; 28.Kg2 g6 (28...Tff7 29.Dh5+ Kg8 30.Sf5 Tf8 31.Sh6++- 5.58/15 ) 29.Se6 Te8 30.Sf4 g5 31.Th3++/- 1.40/15 ) 28...Taf7 29.d4 Sxd4 30.Sxf8 Txf8 31.Dxd4+- 2.53/15 ) 28.Txd3 (28.Se6 Dc4 29.Sxf8 Dxd5 30.exd5 Sxb2 31.Lc3+- 1.77/15 ; 28.Kg2 g6 (28...Tff7 29.Dh5+ Kg8 30.Th3 Dxh3+ 31.Dxh3+- 1.86/15 ) 29.Txd3 Th7 30.h3 Te7 31.Tg3+- 1.70/15 ) 28...g6 (28...Dg4+ 29.Kf2 g6 30.De6 Dxe6 31.Sxe6+- 2.20/15 ) 29.Se6 Te8 30.Dd4 Dxe6 31.Dxa7+- 2.09/15 ) 27...Tc7 (27...Sxd3 28.Se6 (28.Dh5+ Kg8 29.Sf5 Tc7 30.Sh6+ Kh7 31.Sg4++- 2.84/15 ; 28.Sf5 Sf4 (28...g6 29.Dxd3 Th7 30.Txg6 Tg8 31.Tg3+- 2.56/15 ) 29.Dd1 De6 30.Lxf4 Dxe4 31.Dh5++- 2.15/15 ) 28...Taf7 (28...Se5 29.Sxf8 Tc7 30.Se6 Tf7 31.Sd4+- 4.17/15 ) 29.Sxf8 Txf8 30.Dxd3 Te8 31.Dd5+- 3.05/15 ; 27...g5 28.Se6 Th7 (28...Taf7 29.Df5 Dd7 30.Lf2 Sc2 31.Th3++- 3.53/15 ) 29.Df5 Sxd3 30.Sxf8 Dxf5 31.exf5+- 3.31/15 ; 27...Tb7 28.Dh5+ (28.Sf5 g5 (28...g6 29.Sxd6 Sf3+ 30.Kf1 Sxh2+ 31.Ke1+- 4.32/15 ) 29.Sxd6 Sf3+ 30.Kf1 Td7 31.Sxc8+- 3.90/15 ; 28.Lf2 Sxd3 (28...Sc2 29.Sxc2 Te8 30.Dh5+ Kg8 31.Sd4+- 3.28/15 ) 29.Txd3 Dc1+ 30.Kg2 Dg5+ 31.Dxg5+- 2.77/15 ) 28...Kg8 29.Sf5 De6 30.Sh6+ Kh8 31.Tg6+- 6.06/15 ) 28.Dh5+ (28.Se6 Tcf7 (28...Tff7 29.Ld2 Sxd3 30.Sxc7 Txc7 31.Txd3+- 3.00/15 ) 29.Sxf8 Txf8 30.Dh5+ Kg8 31.Kf1+- 2.74/15 ) 28...Kg8 29.Sf5 Sxd3 30.Sh6+ Kh8 31.Sg4++- Diagramm 2.84/15 31...Kg8 32.Dd5+ Tff7 33.Sh6+ (33.Dxd3 Kf8 34.Dxd6+ Tfe7 35.Sxf6 Tc1++- 2.06/15 ) 33...Kf8 34.Sxf7 Tc1+ 35.Kg2 Tc2++- 2.44/15 36.Kh1 Dc6 37.De6 (37.Sxd6 Dxd5 38.exd5 Txb2 39.Sf5 Tb1+ 40.Lg1+- 2.89/15 ; 37.Dxc6 Txc6 38.Sd8 Tc4 39.Se6+ Kf7 40.Sxg7+- 2.04/15 ) 37...Sc5 (37...De8 38.Dxd6+ Kxf7 39.Dd5+ Kf8 40.Dxd3+- 3.88/15 ) 38.Dxd6+ Dxd6 39.Sxd6 Se6 40.Tg2+- 3.01/15 ]

Diagramm Der Abtausch der Damen ist das Beste und lässt dem Schwarzen keine Chance! [25.De2 ; 25.Dd1 ]

Diagramm Was sonst...? [25...Lxf7 26.Lxg7 Tc8 (26...Tfa8 27.Lxf6+ Kf8 28.a3 Tb7 29.Te3+- 3.34/20 ) 27.Lxf6+ Kf8 28.a3 Lh5 29.Kf2+- 2.43/20 Sc2 (29...Tf7 30.Sd5 (30.Se6+ Ke8 31.Kxe1 (31.Sg7+ Txg7 32.Lxg7 Sc2 33.Sd5 Lf7 34.Sf6+ Ke7+- 2.88/20 ; 31.Sd5 Sxd3+ 32.Txd3 Tc2+ 33.Kg3 Le2 34.Tc3 Txc3++- 3.29/20 ) 31...Kd7 32.Sf4 Txf6 33.Sxh5 Tf7 34.Sd5 Th8+- 3.76/20 ) 30...Sxd3+ (30...Sc2 31.Se6+ Ke8 32.Sef4 Sa1 33.Sxh5 Tc2+ 34.Kf3 Sb3+- 5.35/20 ) 31.Txd3 Lg6 32.Se6+ Ke8 33.Ke3 Tc1 34.Lc3 Tff1+- 4.58/20 ; 29...b4 30.Sd5 (30.axb4 Sc2 31.Tg5 (31.Lg7+ Txg7 32.Se6+ Kf7 33.Sxg7 Lg6 34.Se6 Th8+- 2.28/20 ; 31.Th3 Lg4 32.Th4 Sxd4 33.Lxd4 Tf7+ 34.Ke1 Le6+- 2.20/20 ) 31...Tf7 32.Se6+ Ke8 33.Sg7+ Txg7 34.Lxg7 Tc7+- 3.16/20 ) 30...Sxd3+ (30...Lf7 31.Lg7+ (31.Kxe1 Lxd5 32.exd5 bxa3 33.bxa3 Tf7 34.Se6+ Ke8 35.Tg6+- 4.59/20 ) 31...Ke8 32.Sf6+ Kd8 33.Kxe1 Kc7 34.h4 bxa3+- 5.70/20 ) 31.Txd3 Lf7 32.Sxb4 a5 33.Sbc6 Td7 34.Th3 Lg8+- 3.99/20 ) 30.Tg5 (30.Th3 Lg4 (30...Tf7 31.Se6+ Ke8 32.Sd5 Txf6+ 33.Sxf6+ Ke7 34.Sxh5 Kxe6+- 2.91/20 ; 30...Sxd4 31.Txh5 Se6 32.Th8+ Kf7 33.Txc8 Kxf6 34.Sd5+ Kg5+- 2.68/20 ; 30...b4 31.Sf5 (31.Txh5 bxc3 32.Sf5 Tc6 33.Lxc3 Td7 34.Th6 Kg8+- 3.07/20 ; 31.axb4 Lg4 32.Th4 Sxd4 33.Lxd4 Tf7+ 34.Ke1 Le6+- 2.32/20 ) 31...bxc3 32.Txh5 Tc6 33.Lxc3 Td7 34.Th8+ Kf7 35.Th6+- 3.07/20 ) 31.Th6 (31.Th8+ Kf7 32.Th6 Sxd4 33.Lxd4 Td7 34.Sd5 Tf8+- 2.02/20 ; 31.Th4 Sxd4 32.Lxd4 Tf7+ 33.Ke1 Le6 34.Th8+ Ke7 35.Sd5++- 1.89/20 ) 31...Sxd4 32.Lxd4 Tf7+ 33.Kg3 Txc3 34.Lxc3 Le2+- 2.14/20 ; 30.Sf5 Tcc7 (30...b4 31.Th3 (31.Sd5 bxa3 32.bxa3 Sxa3 33.Th3 Tc2+ 34.Kg3 Th7+- 2.73/20 ) 31...bxc3 32.Txh5 Tc6 33.Lxc3 Td7 34.Th8+ Kf7 35.Th6+- 3.28/20 ; 30...Tf7 31.Lg7+ (31.Sd5 Tc5 32.Le7+ Txe7 33.Sdxe7 Sd4 34.Tg8+ Kf7 35.Sxd4+- 3.12/20 ) 31...Ke8 32.Tg5 b4 33.axb4 Txf5+ 34.Txf5 Lf7+- 3.97/20 ) 31.h4 (31.Sd5 Th7 32.h4 Lf7 33.Lg7+ Txg7 34.Txg7 Sd4+- 2.30/20 ; 31.Lg5 Th7 32.Sd5 Lf7 33.Lh6+ Txh6 34.Sxh6 Sd4+- 2.16/20 ) 31...Th7 32.Sd5 Lf7 33.Lg7+ Txg7 34.Txg7 Sd4+- 2.30/20 ; 30.Lg7+ Txg7 31.Se6+ Kf7 32.Sxg7 Lg6 33.Se6 Th8 34.Sg5+ Ke8+- 1.98/20 ) 30...Tf7 (30...Sxd4 31.Txh5 Se6 32.Th8+ Kf7 33.Txc8 Kxf6 34.Sd5+ Kg5+- 2.74/20 ; 30...b4 31.axb4 (31.Txh5 bxc3 32.Sf5 Tc6 33.Lxc3 Td7 34.Th8+ Kf7 35.Th6+- 2.91/20 ) 31...Tf7 32.Se6+ Ke8 33.Sg7+ Txg7 34.Lxg7 Tc7+- 2.96/20 ; 30...Txc3 31.bxc3 (31.Se6+ Ke8 32.Lxc3 Tf7+ 33.Tf5 Ke7 34.Txf7+ Lxf7+- 2.76/20 ) 31...Sxd4 32.Txh5 Sc6 33.Ke3 Td7 34.h4 Se7+- 3.24/20 ) 31.Se6+ Ke8 32.Sg7+ Txg7 33.Txg7 b4 34.Sd5 Lf7+- 2.66/20 ]

Diagramm Das Endspiel ist für Weiß klar gewonnen und ist nur noch "eine Sache der Technik"!

[26...b4 27.Sd5 Sxd3 28.Txd3 gxh6 29.Sd4+- 2.75/20 ]

27.Txd3 gxh6 28.Sd5 Ta8
[28...f5 ; 28...Kh8 ; 28...Kh7 ; 28...b4 ]

2.16/20 [29.Sd4 Tc8 (29...Kh8 ) 30.Sf5 ; 29.Se3 ]

[29...Tb8 30.Txd6 a5 31.Kf2 Kh8+- 2.99/20 ]

30.Txd6 f5
Diagramm Ein letztes Aufbäumen, aber es nützt nichts mehr, das Endspiel ist für Weiß gewonnen! [30...a5 31.Kf2 (31.Sd5 Tc8+- 2.57/20 (31...Kh7 32.Sd8 Tff8 33.Sc6 Kg7+- 3.08/20 ) ) 31...Tfe7 32.Sf4 Txe4 33.Sbd5 Tc4+- Diagramm 2.66/20 34.Sxf6+ (34.Td7 Tf8 (34...Tc6 35.Kf3 (35.Kg3 Te4 36.Se7+ Txe7 37.Txe7+- 3.06/20 ) 35...Te1 36.Se7+ Txe7 37.Txe7+- 3.11/20 ; 34...Tc2+ 35.Kg3 (35.Kf3 Tf8 36.Se7+ Kh8 37.Sed5+- 2.84/20 ) 35...Tc6 36.Sg6 Ta6 37.Sc7+- 3.76/20 ) 35.Se7+ Kh8 36.Sfg6+ Kg7 37.Sxf8+- 2.71/20 ; 34.Kg3 Tf8 (34...Ta8 35.Sxf6+ (35.Sb6 Tb8 36.Sxc4 bxc4 37.Td2+- 3.15/20 ) 35...Kf7 36.S6d5 Ta7 37.Txh6+- 3.21/20 ; 34...Tc2 35.Sxf6+ (35.Td7 Tc6 36.Sg6 Ta6 37.Sc7+- 3.24/20 ) 35...Kf7 36.Sxe8 Kxe8 37.Te6++- 3.50/20 ) 35.Sxf6+ (35.Sg6 Tf7 36.Sxf6+ Txf6 37.Txf6+- 2.73/20 ) 35...Kg7 36.S6h5+ Kg8 37.Tg6++- 2.76/20 ; 34.Tb6 Tf8 (34...Tc2+ 35.Kg3 (35.Kf3 Tf8 36.Txb5 Txh2 37.Ke4+- 1.72/20 ) 35...Txb2 36.Sxf6+ Kf7 37.Sxe8+- 3.47/20 ; 34...Kf8 35.Txf6+ (35.Txb5 Tc2+ 36.Kf3 Te1 37.Tb8++- 2.27/20 ) 35...Kg7 36.Tg6+ Kf8 37.Se6++- 2.44/20 ) 35.Kg3 (35.Sxf6+ Txf6 36.Txf6 Tc2+ 37.Ke3+- 2.08/20 ) 35...Tc2 36.Txb5 a4 37.a3+- 2.27/20 ; 34.Kf3 Tf8 35.Se3 (35.Sxf6+ Kg7 36.Kg3 Tc2 37.S6h5++- 1.71/20 ) 35...Tc1 36.Sg4 Tf1+ 37.Kg3+- 1.93/20 ) 34...Kf7 35.S6d5 (35.Sxe8 Txf4+ 36.Ke3 Th4 37.Sc7+- 2.06/20 ) 35...Kf8 36.h4 Tc1 37.Tf6++- Diagramm 3.09/20 ; 30...Ta7 31.Sd5 (31.Kf2 Tae7+- 2.80/20 ; 31.Tc6 Kf7+- 2.99/20 ) 31...Tc8+- 3.55/20 ]

31.e5 Tfe7 32.Sf4 Txe5 33.Sd7 Te1++-
2.92/20 34.Kf2 Kf7 [34...T8e7 35.Sf6+ Kf7 (35...Kg7 36.S6d5 T1e4 37.Sxe7 Txf4+ 38.Kg3+- 3.78/20 ) 36.S6d5 Tb1 37.Sxe7 Txb2+ 38.Kg3+- 3.29/20 ; 34...Tb1 35.Sf6+ Kf8 (35...Kf7 36.Sxe8 Txb2+ 37.Kg3 Kxe8 38.Txa6+- 3.12/20 ) 36.Sxe8 Txb2+ 37.Kg3 Kxe8 38.Txa6+- 3.12/20 ; 34...Kg7 35.Sh5+ (35.Sf6 T8e5 (35...T8e4 36.Sxe4 Txe4 37.Kf3 a5 38.Td5+- 3.68/20 ) 36.S6d5 h5 37.Sxh5+ Kg8 38.Td7+- 3.26/20 ) 35...Kf7 (35...Kg8 36.Sdf6+ Kf7 37.Sxe8 Txe8 38.Txa6+- 4.31/20 ) 36.Tf6+ Kg8 37.Tg6+ Kh7 38.Sf8++- 3.68/20 ]

[35.Txh6 Kg7 36.Tg6+ '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 36...Kf7 37.Tf6+ Kg7 38.Txf5+- 1.80/20 ; 35.Tf6+ Kg7 36.Tg6+ Kf7 37.Txh6 Kg7 38.Tg6++- 1.62/20 ]

[35...T8e7 36.S6d5 Tb1 37.Sxe7 Kxe7 38.Txa6+- Diagramm 2.97/20 38...Txb2+ 39.Kg3 (39.Se2 h5 (39...Tc2 ; 39...Kd7 ) 40.h3 (40.Ke3 h4 41.h3 Kf7 42.Sf4 Tb1+- 2.71/20 ) 40...h4 41.Ke3 Kf7 42.Sf4 Tb1+- 2.71/20 ; 39.Kg1 Kf7 (39...Td2 ; 39...Kd7 ) 40.h4 (40.Sd5 h5 41.a3 Tb3 42.Kg2 h4+- 2.76/20 ) 40...Tb4 41.Ta7+ Kf8 42.Sg2 Tb2+- 3.12/20 ) 39...Kf7 (39...b4 40.h4 (40.Sd5+ Kf7 41.h4 Tc2 42.Se3 Te2+- 4.37/20 ) 40...Kf7 41.Sg6 Ke8 42.Kf4 Tf2++- 4.42/20 ; 39...Kf8 40.h4 (40.Se6+ Kf7 41.Sd4 f4+ 42.Kxf4 Txh2+- 3.47/20 ) 40...Kg7 41.Sd5 Te2 42.h5 Te5+- 4.21/20 ) 40.h4 (40.Sd5 Td2 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 41.Se3 f4+ 42.Kxf4 Txh2+- 3.03/20 ) 40...Kg7 41.Sd5 Te2 42.h5 Te5+- Diagramm 4.21/20 43.Sf6 Diagramm (43.Ta7+ Kf8 44.Sf6 (44.Td7 Te4 (44...Te2 45.Kf4 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 45...Tf2+ 46.Ke5 Txa2 47.Kxf5+- 4.52/20 ) 45.Td6 Tg4+ 46.Kf3 Td4 47.Tf6++- 4.35/20 ; 44.Ta8+ Kg7 (44...Kf7 45.Td8 Te2 46.Td7+ Kf8 47.Kf4+- 4.48/20 ) 45.Td8 f4+ 46.Sxf4 b4 47.Td7++- 3.66/20 ) 44...Te2 (44...Te1 45.Kf4 Tf1+ 46.Ke5 f4 47.Sd7++- 4.96/20 ) 45.Kf4 Tf2+ 46.Ke5 f4 47.Sg4+- 4.85/20 ; 43.Td6 f4+ (43...Te4 44.Tg6+ (44.Kf3 Ta4 (44...Th4 45.Tg6+ Kf7 46.Txh6 Kg7 47.Tg6++- 5.11/20 ) 45.Tg6+ Kf8 46.Txh6 Txa2 47.Tb6+- 4.62/20 ; 44.Tb6 Ta4 (44...Te2 45.Tg6+ Kf8 46.Txh6 Txa2 47.Tb6+- 4.62/20 ) 45.Tg6+ Kf8 46.Txh6 Txa2 47.Tb6+- 4.62/20 ) 44...Kf8 (44...Kf7 45.Txh6 Tg4+ 46.Kf3 Kg7 47.Tb6+- 5.11/20 ) 45.Txh6 Tg4+ 46.Kf3 Kg7 47.Tb6+- 5.11/20 ; 43...Te2 44.Tg6+ (44.Td7+ Kf8 (44...Kg8 45.Kf4 Tf2+ 46.Ke5 Kf8 47.Ta7+- 4.96/20 ) 45.Kf4 Tf2+ 46.Ke5 f4 47.Sxf4+- 4.54/20 ; 44.a3 Ta2 (44...Te4 45.Tg6+ Kf7 46.Txh6 Tg4+ 47.Kf3+- 5.14/20 ) 45.Tg6+ Kf7 46.Txh6 Txa3+ 47.Kf4+- 4.97/20 ) 44...Kf8 (44...Kf7 45.Txh6 Txa2 46.Kf4 Th2 47.Kg5+- 5.56/20 ) 45.Txh6 Txa2 46.Tb6 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 46...Kg7 47.Se3+- 5.14/20 ) 44.Sxf4 b4 (44...Kh7 45.Kf3 Kg7 46.Td5 Te8 47.Txb5+- 4.58/20 ) 45.Ta6 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 45...Tf5 46.Kf3 Te5 47.Ta7++- 4.53/20 ; 43.Tg6+ Kf7 (43...Kf8 44.Sf6 (44.Td6 f4+ (44...Te2 45.Txh6 Txa2 46.Kf4 b4 47.Tf6++- 5.00/20 ) 45.Sxf4 Kg7 46.Td5 Te8 47.Txb5+- 4.58/20 ; 44.Tf6+ Kg7 45.Td6 f4+ 46.Sxf4 b4 47.Ta6+- 4.51/20 ) 44...Te2 (44...Kf7 45.Kf4 Te2 46.Kxf5 Tf2+ 47.Ke5+- 5.13/20 ) 45.a3 Te3+ 46.Kf4 Txa3 47.Txh6+- 4.97/20 ) 44.Td6 (44.Sf4 Te3+ (44...Te1 ) 45.Kf2 Te4 46.Kf3 Ta4 47.Txh6+- 4.07/20 ; 44.Tf6+ Kg7 45.Td6 f4+ 46.Sxf4 b4 47.Ta6+- 4.51/20 ) 44...f4+ (44...Te2 45.Txh6 Txa2 46.Kf4 Th2 47.Kg5+- 5.56/20 ) 45.Sxf4 Kg7 46.Td5 Te4 47.Txb5+- 4.58/20 ; 43.Sf4 Te3+ (43...b4 44.Tg6+ (44.Kf3 Te1 (44...Tb5 45.Se6+ Kf7 46.Sc7 Te5 47.Txh6+- 4.58/20 ) 45.Sd5 Tf1+ 46.Kg2 Tb1 47.Tg6++- 4.53/20 ; 44.Se6+ Kf7 (44...Kh7 45.Kf4 Td5 46.Tb6 Kg8 47.Txb4+- 5.14/20 ) 45.Sd8+ Kg8 46.Txh6 f4+ 47.Kxf4+- 4.40/20 ) 44...Kh7 45.Se6 f4+ 46.Kxf4 Td5 47.Tg7++- 5.31/20 ; 43...Kh7 44.Kf3 (44.Sg6 Te4 (44...f4+ 45.Sxf4 Kg7 46.Tb6 Te3+ 47.Kg4+- 4.58/20 ) 45.Kf3 Kg7 46.Sf4 Tc4 47.Sd5+- 4.50/20 ; 44.Ta7+ Kg8 45.Sg6 Te4 46.Tb7 Tg4+ 47.Kf3+- 3.94/20 ) 44...Te1 (44...Te4 45.Sd5 Kg7 46.Tg6+ Kf7 47.Txh6+- 5.11/20 ) 45.Sd5 Tf1+ 46.Kg2 Ta1 47.Se3+- 5.03/20 ; 43...Te1 44.Tg6+ (44.Se6+ Kf7 (44...Kf6 45.Sd4+ Kf7 46.Txh6 Tg1+ 47.Kf4+- 5.14/20 ) 45.Sd4 Te3+ 46.Kf2 f4 47.Txh6+- 4.34/20 ; 44.Ta7+ Kg8 (44...Kf8 45.Sg6+ Ke8 46.Kf4 Te2 47.Kxf5+- 4.96/20 ) 45.Sd5 Tf1 46.Ta6 Kh7 47.Ta5+- 4.59/20 ) 44...Kh7 (44...Kf7 45.Txh6 Tg1+ 46.Kf2 Th1 47.Se6+- 5.12/20 ) 45.Se6 Th1 46.Kf4 Txh5 47.Sf8++- 5.05/20 ) 44.Kf2 (44.Kg2 b4 (44...Kh7 45.Sd5 Td3 46.Se7 Td2+ 47.Kg3+- 4.85/20 ) 45.Sd5 Te2+ 46.Kg3 Te5 47.Ta7++- 4.44/20 ; 44.Kh2 Te4 (44...b4 ) 45.Tg6+ Kf8 46.Kg3 Te3+ 47.Kg2+- 4.07/20 ) 44...Te4 (44...Tc3 45.Tg6+ Kf7 46.Txh6 Tc2+ 47.Kg3+- 5.13/20 ) 45.Kf3 Tc4 46.Sd5 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 46...Tc5 47.Td6+- 4.51/20 ) 43...f4+ Diagramm (43...Te2 44.a3 (44.Kf4 Tf2+ (44...Te7 45.Kxf5 b4 46.Sd5 Tf7+ 47.Ke5+- 5.64/20 ) 45.Ke5 f4 46.Ta7+ '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 46...Kf8 47.Sg4+- 4.85/20 ; 44.Kf3 Tc2 (44...Tb2 45.Kf4 Tf2+ 46.Ke5 f4 47.Ta7++- 4.85/20 ) 45.Kf4 Kf7 46.Ke5 Tc5+ 47.Sd5+- 4.60/20 ) 44...Kf7 (44...Ta2 45.Sd5 Kf7 46.Kf4 Ta1 47.Txh6+- 5.29/20 ) 45.Kf4 Tc2 46.Sd5 Tc5 47.Td6+- 5.20/20 ; 43...b4 44.Kf4 (44.Kf2 Tc5 (44...Te7 45.Sd5 Te4 46.Kf3 Th4 47.Tg6++- 4.88/20 ) 45.Kf3 f4 46.Kxf4 Kf7 47.Ke4+- 4.36/20 ; 44.Kg2 Te1 (44...Te3 45.Sd5 Te2+ 46.Kg3 Te5 47.Ta7++- 4.44/20 ) 45.Sd5 Te2+ 46.Kf3 Th2 47.Tg6++- 4.39/20 ) 44...Tc5 (44...Tb5 45.Se8+ Kg8 46.Sd6 Tc5 47.Sxf5+- 5.78/20 ) 45.Se8+ Kf8 46.Sd6 Kg8 47.Sxf5+- 5.78/20 ; 43...Tc5 44.Kf4 (44.Kf3 f4 (44...Tc2 ) 45.Kxf4 Kf7 46.a3 Tg5 47.Td6+- 4.07/20 ; 44.a3 Tc4 (44...f4+ 45.Kxf4 Kf7 46.Tb6 Tg5 47.Sg4+- 4.18/20 ) 45.Sd5 Tc5 46.Tg6+ Kf7 47.Td6+- 4.17/20 ) 44...b4 (44...Tc1 45.Kxf5 Tf1+ 46.Ke5 Ta1 47.Ta7++- 6.24/20 ) 45.Se8+ Kg8 46.Sd6 Kh7 47.Sxf5+- 5.12/20 ) 44.Kxf4 (44.Kf3 Tg5 (44...b4 45.Kxf4 Tg5 46.Se8+ Kf8 47.Txh6+- 4.37/20 ) 45.a3 Tc5 46.Kxf4 Kf7 47.Tb6+- 4.07/20 ) 44...Tc5 (44...Tg5 45.Se8+ Kf8 46.Txh6 Tg2 47.Sd6+- 5.52/20 ) 45.Td6 Tg5 46.Se8+ Kf8 47.Txh6+- Diagramm 5.12/20 ]


[36...Txd5 37.Txd5 (37.Sxd5 Tb1 (37...Td1 38.Ke3 f4+ 39.Kxf4 a5+- 3.24/20 ) 38.Txa6 Txb2+ 39.Kg3 Td2+- 2.87/20 ) 37...Tb1 (37...Th1 38.Txf5+ Kg7 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 39.Kg3 Td1+- 3.36/20 ) 38.Txf5+ Kg7 39.Sd3 Th1+- 3.30/20 ; 36...Kf8 37.Sg6+ (37.Td7 Txd5 (37...Te6 38.b3 T1e5 39.Sxe6+ Txe6+- 3.79/20 ) 38.Txd5 Th1 39.Txf5+ Kg7+- 3.33/20 ; 37.Td8+ Te8 38.Td7 T1e6 39.Sxe6+ Txe6+- 3.37/20 ) 37...Kf7 (37...Kg7 38.Sxe5 Txe5 39.b4 Te4+- 4.12/20 ) 38.Sxe5+ Txe5 39.b4 h5+- 3.94/20 ; 36...a5 37.Td7+ Te7 38.Txe7+ Txe7 39.Sxe7 Kxe7+- 4.41/20 ]

37.Sd3 T1e2+
[37...Txd5 38.Txd5 Th1 39.Td6 Txh2++- 3.02/20 ]

3.13/20 Txd5 39.Txd5 Txh2+- Diagramm 3.02/20

Diagramm [40.Txf5 Ke7 (40...Th3+ 41.Ke2 (41.Ke4 Ke7 42.Tf2 h5 43.a3+- 2.76/20 ) 41...Th2+ 42.Tf2 Th5 43.Ke3+- 2.77/20 ; 40...Kd7 41.Sf2 (41.Tf6 a5 42.Sf2 Th5 43.Ta6+- 2.90/20 ) 41...Ke6 42.Tf8 Th4 43.Ta8+- 2.91/20 ) 41.Sf2 (41.Te5+ Kd6 42.Tf5 Th3+ 43.Ke2+- 2.41/20 ) 41...Th4 42.b3 Td4 43.Se4+- 2.59/20 ; 40.Te5+ Kd7 (40...Kf7 ; 40...Kd8 ) ; 40.Sf2 ; 40.Kg3 ]

Diagramm [40...a5 41.Td5 (41.Tb6 b4 42.Tb5 a4 43.Txf5+- 2.86/20 ) 41...a4 42.Txf5 a3 43.Txb5+- Diagramm 3.08/20 ; 40...b4 41.Sf2 (41.Txa6 Th3+ 42.Ke2 Th2+ 43.Sf2+- 3.40/20 ) 41...a5 42.Ta6 Kf7 43.Txa5+- 3.55/20 ]

41.Ke2 Th2+
Diagramm [41...a5 42.Td5 a4 43.Txf5+- 3.34/20 Kd7 (43...Th2+ 44.Sf2 (44.Kf3 a3 (44...b4 45.Tb5 a3 46.Txb4 Kd8+- 3.09/20 ) 45.Txb5 Kd8 46.Tb3 axb2+- 3.07/20 ; 44.Ke3 a3 (44...b4 45.Tb5 a3 46.Txb4 Kd8+- 3.09/20 ) 45.Txb5 Kd8 46.Tb3 axb2+- 3.07/20 ) 44...Th4 (44...Kd7 45.Txb5 Th4 46.Kf3 Kc6+- 3.47/20 ) 45.Txb5 Kd7 46.Kf3 Kc6+- 3.47/20 ; 43...b4 44.Tf4 (44.Sxb4 Kd7 (44...Th2+ 45.Tf2 Th5 46.Sd3 Ke7+- 3.62/20 ) 45.Sd3 Kc6 46.Sf2 Th4+- 3.47/20 ; 44.Ta5 Th2+ (44...b3 45.Txa4 Th2+ 46.Sf2 bxa2+- 3.28/20 ) 45.Sf2 a3 46.bxa3 bxa3+- 3.06/20 ) 44...Th2+ (44...a3 45.b3 Th5 46.Txb4 Th2++- 4.43/20 ) 45.Sf2 Th5 46.Txb4 a3+- 3.99/20 ; 43...Kd8 44.Txb5 (44.Td5+ Kc7 (44...Ke7 45.Txb5 Th4 46.Tb4 Txb4+- 3.88/20 ) 45.Txb5 Th2+ 46.Sf2 Th4+- 3.72/20 ; 44.Sf2 Th4 (44...Th2 45.Kf3 Th4 46.Txb5 Tc4+- 4.12/20 ) 45.Txb5 Kd7 46.a3 Kc6+- 3.78/20 ) 44...Th2+ (44...Th1 45.a3 Th2+ 46.Sf2 Th4+- 4.17/20 ) 45.Sf2 Th4 46.a3 Kc7+- 4.12/20 ; 43...a3 44.b3 (44.bxa3 Th2+ (44...Kd7 45.Txb5 Th2+ 46.Sf2 Kc6+- 3.68/20 ) 45.Sf2 Th4 46.Txb5 Ta4+- 3.64/20 ; 44.Txb5 axb2 (44...Th2+ 45.Kf3 Kd8 46.Tb3 axb2+- 3.07/20 ) 45.Txb2 Th5 46.a4 Kd7+- 3.05/20 ) 44...Th2+ (44...b4 45.Sxb4 Th2+ 46.Tf2 Th5+- 4.12/20 ) 45.Sf2 b4 46.Tf4 Th5+- 3.99/20 ) 44.Txb5 (44.Sf2 Th4 (44...Th2 45.Txb5 Th4 46.Kf3 Kc6+- 3.47/20 ) 45.Txb5 Kc6 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 46.Tf5 Tb4+- 3.43/20 ; 44.Tc5 Th2+ (44...h5 45.Txb5 Th2+ 46.Sf2 Th4+- 3.49/20 ) 45.Sf2 Th4 46.Txb5 Kc6+- 3.36/20 ) 44...Th2+ (44...h5 45.Ta5 Th2+ 46.Ke3 Th3++- 3.77/20 ) 45.Sf2 Th4 46.Kf3 Kc6+- Diagramm 3.47/20 47.Tf5 (47.Te5 Tb4 (47...Td4 ; 47...a3 ) 48.Te2 (48.Te6+ Kd5 49.Te2 ) 48...Tb8 49.Sd3 Th8 50.Te4+- 3.78/20 ; 47.Tb8 ; 47.Ta5 ; 47.Kg3 ) 47...Tb4 (47...Td4 48.Tf6+ (48.Ke3 Tb4 49.Tf6+ Kd5 50.Sd1+- 3.70/20 ) 48...Kc7 49.Ke3 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 49...Tb4 50.Sd3+- 3.84/20 ; 47...a3 48.b3 (48.Tf6+ Kb7 49.b3 Th5 50.Sg4+- 4.07/20 ) 48...Kb6 49.Td5 h5 50.Kg3+- 4.09/20 ) 48.Tf6+ (48.Sd3 Td4 49.Ke3 Th4 50.Sf2+- 3.66/20 ) 48...Kc7 49.Sd3 Th4 50.Ta6+- Diagramm 3.84/20 ]

42.Sf2 Th4
Diagramm [42...b4 43.Txa6 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. (43.Te6+ Kd7 (43...Kf7 44.Txa6 h5 45.Tb6 Th4+- 3.77/20 ) 44.Txa6 b3 45.a3 Th4+- 3.74/20 ; 43.Kf3 a5 (43...Th4 44.Txa6 Ke7 45.Tb6 h5+- 3.47/20 ) 44.Ta6 Kf7 45.Txa5 Ke6+- 3.33/20 ) 43...Kf7 (43...Kd7 44.Tb6 Th4 45.Sd3 Th2++- 4.03/20 ) 44.Tb6 Th4 45.Sd3 Th2++- 3.92/20 ; 42...Th5 43.Kf3 (43.Txa6 Kd7 (43...Kd8 44.Kf3 Kc7 45.Tf6 Kb7+- 3.37/20 ) 44.Kf3 Kc7 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 45.Tf6 Kb7+- 3.37/20 ; 43.Te6+ Kd8 (43...Kd7 44.Txa6 Kd8 45.Kf3 Kc7+- 3.39/20 ) 44.Txa6 Kd7 45.Tf6 Kc8+- 3.37/20 ) 43...a5 (43...f4 44.Txa6 Kd8 45.Ta7 Td5+- 3.67/20 ) 44.Td5 Ke7 45.Txb5 a4+- 3.55/20 ; 42...a5 43.Td5 (43.Tb6 b4 (43...a4 44.Txb5 Th4 45.Txf5 Kd7+- 3.49/20 ) 44.Tb5 b3 45.Txb3 Th4+- 3.44/20 ; 43.Ta6 Kd7 (43...a4 44.Ta5 Th4 45.Txb5 h5+- 3.27/20 ) 44.Txa5 Kc6 45.Ta6+ Kd5+- 3.12/20 ) 43...Th4 (43...Th5 44.Txb5 a4 45.Ta5 Th4+- 3.49/20 ) 44.Txb5 a4 45.Txf5 Kd7+- Diagramm 3.49/20 46.Ke3 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. (46.Kf3 Tb4 (46...Td4 47.Ke3 (47.Tf7+ Ke8 48.Tb7 a3 49.bxa3+- 3.64/20 ) 47...Tb4 48.Sd1 Tb6 49.a3+- 4.34/20 ; 46...Tc4 47.a3 (47.Sd3 Td4 48.Ke3 Th4 49.Sf2+- 3.86/20 ) 47...Tc1 48.Ta5 Tc4 49.Se4+- 4.41/20 ) 47.Sd1 (47.Sd3 Th4 48.Tf6 Th3+ 49.Ke2+- 3.67/20 ) 47...Tb6 48.Tf7+ Kc8 49.Ta7+- 4.02/20 ; 46.Sd3 Te4+ (46...Kc6 47.Tf4 (47.Tf8 Th5 48.Sf2 Tb5 49.Tf6++- 3.54/20 ) 47...Th2+ 48.Sf2 Kb5 49.Tf5++- 4.08/20 ; 46...Th2+ 47.Sf2 (47.Tf2 Th5 48.Tf4 a3 49.b3+- 3.86/20 ) 47...Th4 48.Ke3 Tb4 49.Sd1+- 3.95/20 ) 47.Kd2 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. (47.Kf3 Td4 48.Ke2 Te4+ 49.Kd2+- 3.86/20 ) 47...Th4 48.Tf4 Th2+ 49.Sf2+- 3.90/20 ; 46.Te5 Tb4 (46...Tc4 47.Kf3 (47.Kd2 Tb4 48.Sd3 Th4 49.Ke3+- 3.52/20 ) 47...Tb4 48.Sd3 Td4 49.Sc5++- 3.88/20 ; 46...Th2 47.Kf3 (47.Te4 a3 48.b3 Th5 49.Ta4+- 4.47/20 ) 47...Kd6 48.Ta5 Th4 49.Se4++- 4.52/20 ) 47.Sd3 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. (47.Sd1 Th4 48.Sf2 Tb4 49.Sd3+- 3.52/20 ) 47...Th4 48.Ke3 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 48...Th3+ 49.Kd4+- 3.54/20 ; 46.Tf7+ Ke6 (46...Kc6 47.Ke3 (47.Kf3 Td4 48.Tf6+ Kc7 49.Ke3+- 3.67/20 ) 47...Tb4 48.Tf6+ Kd5 49.Sd1+- 3.78/20 ; 46...Ke8 47.Tb7 (47.Ta7 Tb4 48.Sd3 Tc4 49.Kf3+- 3.92/20 ) 47...Tc4 48.a3 h5 49.Ke3+- 3.95/20 ) 47.Ta7 (47.Th7 Kd6 48.Kf3 Kc6 49.Tf7+- 3.57/20 ) 47...Kd6 48.Kf3 Kc6 49.Ta6++- 3.67/20 ) 46...Tb4 (46...Tc4 47.a3 (47.Tf7+ Ke8 48.Ta7 h5 49.Se4+- 3.89/20 ) 47...Tc1 48.Th5 Tc6 49.Ta5+- 4.32/20 ; 46...Th2 47.Tf4 (47.Ta5 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 47...Th4 48.Se4 Th2 49.Sf2+- 4.11/20 ) 47...a3 48.b3 Tg2 49.Tg4+- 4.54/20 ) 47.Sd1 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. (47.Sd3 Th4 48.Sf2 Tb4 49.Sd1+- 3.87/20 ) 47...Tb6 48.Tf7+ Kc8 49.Ta7+- 4.02/20 ; 42...h5 43.Txa6 (43.Te6+ Kd7 (43...Kf7 44.Txa6 Th4 45.Tb6 Tb4+- 3.72/20 ) 44.Txa6 Th4 45.b3 Td4+- 3.33/20 ; 43.Kf3 Th4 (43...Ke7 44.Txa6 Th4 45.Tb6 b4+- 3.47/20 ) 44.Txa6 Kd7 45.Tf6 Ta4+- 3.29/20 ) 43...Th4 (43...Ke7 44.Tb6 Th4 45.Txb5 Tc4+- 4.03/20 ) 44.Tb6 Ta4 45.a3 Tc4+- 3.99/20 ]

[43.Te6+ Kd7 (43...Kd8 44.Txa6 Kc7 45.b3 Th5+- 3.22/20 ) 44.Txa6 Kc7 45.b3 Th5+- 3.22/20 ; 43.b3 a5 (43...Ke7 ) 44.Td5 a4 45.Txb5 h5+- 2.70/20 ]

Diagramm [43...Tc4 44.Kf3 Td4 45.Ke3 Th4+- 4.11/20 ; 43...b4 44.Tf6 Th5 45.Tb6 Th4+- 4.09/20 46.Sd3 (46.Tb5 h5 (46...Ke7 47.Txf5 (47.Sd3 Th2+ 48.Ke3 h5 49.Txb4+- 4.15/20 ) 47...Kd6 48.Ke3 b3 49.a3+- 4.28/20 ; 46...Kd7 47.Txf5 (47.Sd3 Th2+ 48.Ke3 h5 49.Txb4+- 4.17/20 ) 47...Kd6 48.Ke3 b3 49.a3+- 4.28/20 ) 47.Kf3 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. (47.Txf5 b3 48.axb3 Kd7 49.Tc5+- 4.04/20 ) 47...Td4 48.Ke3 Tc4 49.Txf5+- 4.25/20 ; 46.Tb7 Kd8 (46...h5 47.Ke3 (47.Kf3 Td4 48.Ke3 Tc4 49.Sd3+- 3.97/20 ) 47...Tc4 48.Sd3 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 48...Te4+ 49.Kf3+- 4.26/20 ; 46...b3 47.Txb3 (47.a3 h5 48.Txb3 Tc4 49.Tb5+- 4.23/20 ) 47...Ke7 48.Tb7+ Kd6 49.Tb5+- 4.31/20 ) 47.Kf3 (47.Tb5 h5 48.Kf3 Td4 49.Ke3+- 3.99/20 ) 47...Td4 48.Ke3 Th4 49.Tb5+- 4.16/20 ; 46.Tf6 Th5 (46...h5 47.Txf5 (47.Ke3 b3 48.axb3 Ke7 49.Txf5+- 4.04/20 ) 47...b3 48.a3 Ke7 49.Tb5+- 4.46/20 ; 46...Tc4 47.Ke3 (47.Kf3 Td4 48.Ke3 Td5 49.Sd3+- 4.27/20 ) 47...b3 48.axb3 Tb4 49.Txf5+- 4.30/20 ) 47.Tb6 (47.Td6 b3 48.a4 Th4 49.a5+- 3.90/20 ) 47...Th4 48.Tb5 h5 49.Kf3+- 4.14/20 ; 46.Ke3 h5 (46...Kf7 47.Sd3 (47.Tb7+ Kf6 48.Sd3 Th3+ 49.Kd2+- 3.72/20 ) 47...Th3+ 48.Kd4 h5 49.Txb4+- 4.51/20 ; 46...Kd7 47.Sd3 (47.Tb5 Ke6 48.Sd3 Kd6 49.Txb4+- 4.09/20 ) 47...Th3+ 48.Kd4 h5 49.Txb4+- 4.09/20 ) 47.Tf6 (47.Tb5 b3 48.axb3 Kd7 49.Txf5+- 4.04/20 ) 47...b3 48.axb3 Kd7 49.Txf5+- 4.04/20 ) 46...Th1 (46...b3 47.Txb3 (47.a3 h5 48.Txb3 Kf7 49.Tb6+- 4.28/20 ) 47...Ke7 48.Tb4 Th1 49.a4+- 4.62/20 ; 46...Kd7 47.Txb4 (47.Tb7+ Kd6 48.Txb4 Th1 49.Tb5+- 4.31/20 ) 47...Th2+ 48.Sf2 Tg2 49.Tb6+- 5.06/20 ) 47.Txb4 (47.Tb8+ Kf7 48.Txb4 h5 49.a4+- 4.28/20 ) 47...Ta1 48.a4 h5 49.Se5+- Diagramm 4.62/20 ]

Und am 05.01.2012 kam die Postkarte von Fernschachfreund Manfred Mathias, in der er die Partie aufgab.Die Umsetzung in einen Sieg ist nur eine Frage der Zeit und wie heißt es immer so schön: der Partiegewinn ist nur noch Sache der Technik! Deswegen: 1:0! Ich zitiere nochmals Arno Nickel: 3.) "Um im Fernschach heutzutage zum Erfolg zu kommen, muss man Leistungen und Vorgaben (<>) aus dem Nahschachbereich kritischer denn je analysieren. Viele Erfolgsrezepte und -konzepte aus dem Nahschach überzeugen im Fernschach nicht, weil der strenge elektronische Sekundantenstab sich zu Recht unbeeindruckt von ihnen zeigt, nicht zuletzt auch weil Nahschachspieler insgeheim immer ein wenig auf die menschlichen Schwächen ihrer Gegner spekulieren, was aber im Fernschach selten funktioniert. Wer im Fernschach gegen gute Gegner gewinnen will, muss sich heute meines Erachtens schon in der Eröffnung mehr eigene Gedanken denn je machen, denn der Erkenntnisfortschritt in den Hauptvarianten (das können auch Modevarianten sein, die dabei sind, alte Hauptvarianten zu verdrängen) hat grundsätzlich eine starke Remistendenz. Gute Fernschachspieler folgen nicht einfach blind irgendwelchen aktuellen Eröffnungszügen von Anand, Kramnik oder Carlsen, nur weil diese gewonnen oder remis gehalten haben, sondern loten durchaus viele kritische Stellungen von Vorgängervarianten bis zu einer gewissen Tiefe aus. Kreativität ist also durchaus sehr gefragt im modernen Fernschach." [44.Ke3 Kc7 (44...Th5 45.Tg6 (45.Tb6 Kc7 46.Tf6 Th4 47.Txf5+- 3.49/20 ) 45...Kd8 46.Tg7 b4 47.Tf7+- 3.61/20 ; 44...f4+ 45.Kf3 (45.Ke4 Kc7 46.Tf6 Th2 47.Kf3+- 3.50/20 ) 45...Kc7 46.Tf6 Kb7 47.Txf4+- 3.62/20 ) 45.b3 (45.Tf6 Ta4 46.Txf5 Txa2 47.Sd3+- 3.35/20 ) 45...Th5 46.Tf6 Kd7 47.Kf4+- 3.40/20 ; 44.b3 Kc7 (44...Th5 45.Tf6 (45.Kf3 Kc7 46.Tf6 Kb7 47.Td6+- 3.39/20 ) 45...Kc8 46.Ke3 Kc7 47.Kf3+- 3.40/20 ; 44...f4 45.Tf6 (45.Kf3 Kc7 46.Sg4 Th3+ 47.Kxf4+- 3.52/20 ) 45...Kc7 46.Kf3 Kb7 47.Txf4+- 3.63/20 ) 45.Te6 (45.Tf6 Th5 46.Kf3 Kb7 47.Kg3+- 3.38/20 ) 45...Th5 46.Kf3 Kb7 47.Td6+- 3.39/20 ; 44.Sd3 Th2+ (44...Kc7 45.Tf6 (45.Te6 h5 46.Te5 Kb6 47.Txf5+- 3.37/20 ) 45...Th1 46.Txf5 Kb6 47.Tf1+- 3.43/20 ; 44...h5 ) 45.Sf2 (45.Ke3 Th5 ) 45...Th5 46.Tf6 Kc8 '+-' Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2. 47.b3+- 3.40/20 ; 44.Tf6 ]

[44...Tc4 45.Sd3 (45.Kf3 Tb4 46.Sd3 Kc7 47.Txh6+- 4.14/20 ) 45...Tc8 46.Txh6 Kc7 47.Tf6+- 4.26/20 ; 44...h5 45.Txb5 (45.b3 Tb4 46.Tf6 Tf4 47.a3+- 3.71/20 ) 45...Ta4 46.Sd3 Txa2 47.Txf5+- 3.96/20 ]

[45.Sd3 Txa2 46.Txb5 Ke6 47.Tb6++- 3.53/20 ]

45...b4 46.axb4 Kc7 47.Txh6+-
Diagramm Antonius Balzert-Manfred Mathias/Dr.Baumbach Pokal 06 2011/[Antonius Balzert / Houdini 2] 3.96/20 1-0